Fair for all

You Can Adopt

The adoption process is open, thoughtful, supportive and fair. The chances are, if you want to, #YouCanAdopt

  • If you are single, married or in a long term ‘live in’ relationship
  • Regardless of ethnicity, gender identity, sexuality or faith
  • If you own your own home or rent
  • If you have a disability or are managing health conditions
  • If you are employed, self-employed or on benefits
  • If you have children, or if you have none—some people adopt multiple times
  • If you are a UK resident who has lived in the UK for at least a year
  • If you are 21 years of age or over

Stats & facts

In a recent public survey of over 2,000 people


26% didn’t know if LGBTQ communities are eligible to adopt

Surveyed by Department of Education. 2018–2019

Last year almost 500 children were adopted by same sex couples

Opinium survey 2,006 adults (aged 21-60). 2018–2019

29% didn’t know that single people are eligible to adopt

Surveyed by Department of Education. 2018–2019

Last year nearly 450 children were adopted by single people

Opinium survey 2,006 adults (aged 21-60). 2018–2019

36% say they have considered adoption at some point

Surveyed by Department of Education. 2018–2019

Think they would be allowed to adopt

Opinium survey 2,006 adults (aged 21-60). 2018–2019