National Adoption Week Events
- Let’s Talk Adoption (18 – 24 October) – Adoption UK is holding a series of events during the week including webinars and 1-1 advice surgeries for adoptive parents and a behind the scenes look at adoption for prospective adopters. The Let’s Talk Adoption activities will provide support and information for parents at all stages of the adoption journey. Click here for full details and to register your attendance:
- Family Building Event (20 October, 7-8:30pm) – Dr Krish Kandiah is hosting a special event for approved adopters waiting to be matched with children. Hear inspiring stories, meet adopters and adopted people. Click here for more details and to register your attendance:
- National ‘Adoption Friday’ (22 October) – Sermon on Adoption delivered at Mosques across the country.
- A celebration of Muslims and Adoption in England (22 October, 3-4 pm) – My Adoption Family will run an online community event. Click here for more details and to register your attendance:
- Could you Adopt? (20 Oct, 2pm) – New Family Social will run a two-hour interactive online session for LGBT+ prospective adopters, giving all in the inside information about what adoption is really like and top tips for surviving the assessment process and parenthood itself! Guests will hear from LGBT+ adopters and have the opportunity to ask absolutely anything about adoption. LGBT+ people, at any stage of the adoption application process, are welcome to join the webinar. Guests can remain anonymous if they wish and there will be the opportunity to ask questions anonymously too. Guests do not need to be members of New Family Social but must book in advance. Click here for full details and to register your attendance:
Birth Families
- Lived Experience: voices and art of birth parents – Loss, hope and change (20 October, 11am-2pm) – PAC-UK is holding a 2-hour online event, which will feature speakers and a short film specifically focussing on birth parents. Click here for more details and to register your attendance:
Adopted People
- Lived Experience: voices of adopted people – Messages for Change (18 October, 10am-3pm) – PAC-UK is holding an all-day online event with a range of adopted people speaking about their varied experiences and their priorities for the adoption sector. Click here for more details and to register your attendance:
- Remembrance and reflection day (19 October) This is a poignant time to come together to think and reflect about the loss of relationships, which is the downside of adoption for so many. Click here for more details and to register your attendance:
Advanced Notice – Free webinars that explore the contribution of the adoption social workers to the adoption process
The role and contribution of social workers in adoption
During this year’s National Adoption Week we also want to acknowledge the key role that social workers play in adoption at every stage and the significance of the profession. CoramBAAF will run three on-line webinars to reflect on that contribution:
- Ethnicity cultural awareness and sensitivity in the context of matching children with prospective adopters: 17 November 2021
The placement of children from a minority ethnic background has been a long-standing issue for the child placement sector. This includes the broader issues of racism and discriminatory policy and practice, the conflict between the timely placement of children and contested issues of the placement of children from minority ethnic backgrounds with white adopters.
The webinar will explore the issues facing adoption social workers and the sector in recognising and addressing these issues in a positive and meaningful way.
- Video-feedback intervention to promote positive parenting (VIPP): 18 November 2021 (TBC)
This webinar will provide an opportunity to explore an evidence based early intervention for adoptive parents and their children. The intervention was created in the Netherlands with a strong evidence base for its impact and effectiveness. The Department for Education financed the development and delivery of the model by the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust. This includes both the delivery of the intervention and the training of social workers to deliver the intervention.
- The adopter assessment process: 25 November 2021 (TBC)
This webinar will provide an opportunity to explore some of the evidence about this process. There is significant international evidence, and this will be reviewed. Key questions will then be explored about the role of the social worker and what works well and what needs further development.
Further details about registering for the events will be made available shortly.
Q&A Webinars for adoption professionals
New Family Social will run three live Q&A sessions for professionals, examining real-life case studies which illustrate unfamiliar and tricky issues which might arise around sexual orientation, gender identity and open relationships. Professionals from any adoption agency, whether or not the agency is a member of New Family Social, can book using the relevant link. Please book from an agency email address rather than a personal one.
- Q&A on diverse sexual orientations (18 Oct, 11am):
- Q&A on gender variance (20 Oct,11am):
- Q&A on ethical non-monogamy and different relationship structures (22 Oct,11am):