Michelle and Laura chose to adopt after attending an open evening, realising that this path to parenthood would provide an opportunity for them to both experience the same journey, rather than opting for fertility treatment.

In 2019, not long after entering the process, they were matched with their first daughter and around three months later, they brought her home. They then decided to grow their family further, with their daughter’s firm approval, and set off on their second adoption journey. Soon they had been approved again, and after a little break to enjoy a final holiday as a family of three, they received a call from their social worker about a baby girl who was just a few weeks old.

Michelle and Laura never thought they would experience adopting a newborn baby, so it was a big surprise to be matched with a baby girl – and that their eldest daughter would experience having a newborn sibling. Although it felt like it took forever, just five weeks after learning about their second daughter, they were home together as a forever family of four. It’s safe to say their eldest fully embraced the role of big sister, brimming with pride and excitement.

From the very beginning of each adoption journey, Michelle and Laura have had a community of support surrounding them. This includes family, friends, social services, and their incredible social worker, who have all played a pivotal role in their daughters’ lives. They are also in contact with the birth families, communicating with cards and messages twice a year, and often look through picture books of their other family members together. Although the girls are too young to fully understand their stories, Michelle and Laura welcome any questions they have and will continue to do so as they get older and learn more about where they came from.

“There were a few bumps in the road, but we wouldn’t change a thing. We’ve provided a stable and loving forever home for our beautiful little girls and that feels amazing, but we couldn’t have done it without all the support we received along the way.”